
Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Either Go to Class

Back when I was a first class. Moving an exiting class. I'm moving from biologist room to class indonesian room. before the school bell lesson. Me and my friend walked out of class to go to the canteen. I bought snacks, I walked back to class. I walked in the front and accidentally entered the wrong class. I felt embarrassed, ridiculed. I rushed out of the classroom and ran back to my classroom. What your story is my story.

3 komentar:

aulyawahyu mengatakan...

nama :aulia wahyu
no absn : 05

that so funny,.
di ceck lagi per katanya ..

isyha azalea mosekka mengatakan...

nama : isha putpitasari
no.absen : 16
ceritanya cukup menarik , tetapi ceritanya terlalu simple/sedikit

Hening Putri mengatakan...

Pening Putri
ini pengalaman memalukan ya... xixixi
me and my friend=> my friend and I
"I'm moving tuh bkn bntuk lampau"
terakhirnya, what is your story? This is my story. hahaha korban iklan..

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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